Monday, January 16, 2012

Mid 20s

So I have this theory...which may actually be fact, but friends have made fun when I explain it, so maybe it isn't as concrete or universally accepted as I had assumed--so so I'll call it a theory.

The theory is, that a person is considered in their 'early 20s' at ages 20, 21, 22, and 23.  They are in their 'mid 20s' at ages 24, 25, and 26.  And last but not least, a person is in their 'late 20s' at ages 27, 28, and 29.

Universally accepted?  Maybe, maybe not.

But if the theory stands correct, then I my friends am officially in my MID 20s!  Last Thursday I turned 24 and so far it feels pretty dang good! 

Zuriel teases me about my excitement to 'get older' and mature and be taken more seriously yada yada yada...but really, is it so bad that I'm excited for it?!  My parents, of course, also tease me that soon enough my excitement will turn on me and I'll be wishing I was 20 again...

As usual, my parents are probably going to be right...but until that time comes, I'll take my excitement now and enjoy my mid 20s!  

Christmas in Minnesota

It was absolutely fabulous being with Zuriel's family this past Christmas, we wish we could see them more!  We loved the family time, movies, sleeping in, staying up too late, amazing food {most was authentic mexican food}, many laughs, shopping, Christmas traditions, baking, pictures {too many to post}, and reflection on our Savior's birth.


The following are family photos in front of the Angel of Hope in memory of beautiful Miriam, as well as some pics on a cute bridge nearby!

I just love my second family!  They're wonderful and we loved spending Christmas with them!  Miss you guys!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

As of late

And I mean "late" as in the last three-ish months, not including Christmas.  Because, Christmas gets a post of its own, of course.  
Disclaimer numero uno: These photos {as a matter of fact, practically every photo on the blog} was professionally take by my cell phone--they're beautiful, I know!

Disclaimer numero dos:  These photos may appear to be random, but that's because they are.  I just threw together some fun moments of the final months of 2011.

The moments include (in order): Friend's birthday celebration, Lunch dates w/my hard working man, Mr. Hardworker's catch of the day, Dog-sitting a friend's cute pooch, Z's first 'duck kill', cute date w/Z which included yummy muffins and drinks, a windy but beautiful wedding and reception, Z w/our cute niece and dog, beautiful Utah, driving home to Idaho, our pooch right before she got a much overdue haircut, fall colors, putting up our baby tree, Z ready for his day hunting trip, yummy dinner of 'game hens' made by my fantastic hubby of mine, a fun and spontaneous Thanksgiving dinner that took place in December {yep, we had a second Thanksgiving, just cause!}, dog-sitting our buddy Mojo, a late drive to Utah that required energy drinks.



Next post: Pictures of our splendid Christmas holiday!