Last night Z playfully and gently squeezed my leg...and it wasn't until that gentle squeeze that I realized how dang sore my thighs were. The previous night, after I ran 5 miles that morning, I went to the gym with Z to lift weights. Can I just say that I love lifting weights? Especially free weights. And especially in the are where the toughest of the tough lift weights. Not that I'm as tough as them, but I like to be the girl lifting next to the tough guys just to show them that I'm not intimidated. Ha. I'm embarrassed just by typing it. But while at the gym, I did free weights focusing on my legs and bootay. Who doesn't want to firm up those buns? This girl wants to. It had been a while since I had focused all of my time with the weights on just my legs. I got an awesome workout in just about 45 minutes and then called it a day and stretched and did some abs.
Then yesterday happened. I woke up and felt a little sore, but nothing to keep me from running a few miles. So I ventured out and ended up running 3.25 miles {every 0.0 and 0.00 counts}. And I thought I'd incorporate a small hill to really use all those muscles that were sore from lifting to 'loosen' them up. I don't know that I'd say they loosened, but they were definitely being used, and I could definitely feel it. So I'm barely able to crawl into bed by the time the end of the day rolls around and I fall asleep rubbing my legs. People, we're talking I'm more sore now as I type this out than I was after any of my road races {besides my very first half-marathon}. I know. Crazy talk. And what may sound crazier, is I tried to run again this morning. Yeah I got about 10 yards before stopping and realizing that for my morning workout, I'll be taking the dog for a walk. But not till I have my breakfast for champions, consisting of egg whites and wheat tortillas as prescribed by Z himself...seriously, he said I had to have eggs this morning. So I sent him these pictures of my breakfast.
At least Tina is ecstatic. She's been on so many walks the past couple weeks. Yesterday I went on a walk with one of my fav's and her baby. Look how dang cute he is, sunglasses and all. Not to mention his beautiful mama.
Thumbs up cool dude
Always giving the thumbs up
When it comes to exercise, I'm an advocate of rest days, cross training days, and walking days. Sometimes walking days can work as your cross training. I just have to remind myself to be reasonable and smart about my exercise and to listen to my body. And don't forget to eat your eggs. Well, I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't mention that I don't really like eggs. I rarely eat them {unless it's an egg cooked into a toast...I'll show you later} and I especially don't like egg yokes. But that's another post for another day.
-Ever been so sore it made you walk funny or you had to forgo a workout?
You better believe it.
-Do you like eggs? What about yokes? You can say yes. What's your favorite 'recovery' breakfast?
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