Monday, June 11, 2012

Food, the laundromat, and long legs

Funny thing about Texas Roadhouse is, I had never heard of it
 until years after moving away from Texas.  Go figure.
 Oh laundromat, although it was a little fun the first time, I doubt I'll be ecstatic to 
have to use you every time I want anything washed in the next few months.
 I was embarrassed when I realized Z had taken a picture of this, 
but then thought I might as well remind you all that I'm kind of weird in case you forgot.
 This has become one of my new favorite protein-filled breakfasts: egg whites, tomato, avocado, and turkey bacon on a whole wheat english muffin, ~300 calories.  Occasionally I'll add spinach.  I'm glad I found this guy to help with my not-so-fond-of-eggs issue. 
 A pic I found on Zuriel's phone of what will happen on occasion at his work.  This is what you get when windmills are placed in the middle of nowhere on open pastures. And I got intimidated by six or seven of them during a run last week, man I'm a wuss.
 Sashimi, sushi roll, soup, and rice...again.
 I always forget my sunglasses.
 I was excited to show Zuriel just how close I got to them during my run!
I didn't think it was hot enough to make my dog need to lie down every 2 minutes during a quick walk and then proceed to collapse next to her water bowl once returning home.  I don't think she moved for at least two hours.  #dogownerfail
 I like tofu.  Sure I'd choose a medium-rare steak, marinated chicken breast, or salmon before ever considering tofu, but I don't mind it.  This was our first time cooking with it.  
 This is what happened one morning I had originally planned on having a nice long run but woke up not feeling so hot...I instead kept my grundge clothes on and caught up on e-mails and bills and reading a few blogs.  I purposefully wore a race shirt to remind myself that if I'm in the mood or I choose to, I can be a dedicated runner.  #selfesteembooster  #kindapathetic
 I have become more aware of my list of things I don't like or choose not to eat...and I wish I could lie and tell you I'll eat anything--apparently I won't.  Tuna is one of the foods I have never enjoyed--ever--because a) don't pretend it doesn't smell bad and b) every recipe with tuna has mayo in it and I do not, do not like mayo.  Wow, could I be a pickier eater?  Don't answer that.  Point of the story is that Zuriel so lovingly made this tuna concoction for me {another attempt at making me like one of his favorite foods} so I had to at least try it.  He put the tiniest scrimp of mayo possible and put lots of celery, pepper, and onion to mask the tuna-taste.  When I ate it with chunky bites of tomato, it wasn't half bad.
 Didn't I tell you we'd come to this same sushi place before and/or after seeing a movie?  Well, we did.  And this pic below is proof that Zuriel exceeds the wasabi+soy sauce limit.  I swear he can't taste anything but his tongue burning when he dips anything in that.  I don't think he even knows what sushi tastes like.  He's missin' out.
There are 17 pictures in this post (if you count the collage pics as 1 each) and 8 of them are of food.  I feel embarrassed.  But sometimes, what I/we eat, is the only exciting and/or noteworthy thing that happened that day.  No judgements please.  

-Do you run with sunglasses?  Everytime?
I bought some a few weeks ago and then misplaced them, but I ran with them last week and loved it.  Such a simple, but genius piece of clothing for a long run.
-How do you feel about sushi?  Gross/ only?  And what's your view on wasabi...
Sometimes I put a little wasabi, but I usually leave it out.  And I rarely get sushi with anything tempura.


Kristina said...

Bahaha Tucker does that collapse-by-the-waterbowl thing too. You'd think he'd been wandering through the desert for years! Cute puppies.

The Lawrences said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE sushi. it's my favorite food eva! the raw stuff all the way....sashimi and rolls, mainly salmon, some tuna, and eel. ahhhhh.....i'm hungry for it now, thanks. :) and I'm with Z on the wasabi issue, my ratio isn't quite as high though.

Erica Rascon said...

Hah! You would NOT like it here-food wise. Eggs eggs eggs. I didn't think I liked them either, but they're usually cooked with other stuff (soo good). Oh and you don't like cheese either? OMG the cheese here is great, and everywhere. Also, tuna is a popular thing (not a fan but I can get through a small salad). Point is, you should come visit me despite the food.