And I mean "late" as in the last three-ish months, not including Christmas. Because, Christmas gets a post of its own, of course.
Disclaimer numero uno: These photos {as a matter of fact, practically every photo on the blog} was professionally take by my cell phone--they're beautiful, I know!
Disclaimer numero dos: These photos may appear to be random, but that's because they are. I just threw together some fun moments of the final months of 2011.
The moments include (in order): Friend's birthday celebration, Lunch dates w/my hard working man, Mr. Hardworker's catch of the day, Dog-sitting a friend's cute pooch, Z's first 'duck kill', cute date w/Z which included yummy muffins and drinks, a windy but beautiful wedding and reception, Z w/our cute niece and dog, beautiful Utah, driving home to Idaho, our pooch right before she got a much overdue haircut, fall colors, putting up our baby tree, Z ready for his day hunting trip, yummy dinner of 'game hens' made by my fantastic hubby of mine, a fun and spontaneous Thanksgiving dinner that took place in December {yep, we had a second Thanksgiving, just cause!}, dog-sitting our buddy Mojo, a late drive to Utah that required energy drinks.

Next post: Pictures of our splendid Christmas holiday!
AWWWw these pics make me miss you even more than I already do! LOVE YOU!!!
Cute pics. Miss you!
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