My sister Erica and I have an interesting, but overall healthy and relatively normal relationship.
I was the {typical?} older sister that always knew when she went into my room because something had moved or was different.
The older sister that would be secretly flattered,
but mostly mad, when I saw my little sister wearing my clothes or jewelry.
The older sister who voluntarily gives advice without being asked.
The older sister who will always be supportive,
but will give my honest opinion even if you don't want to hear it.
The older sister who loves and cares about her little sister
even if I don't always act like it.
Who worries about her little sister because it's only natural,
but trusts her and knows deep down that she's a 'big girl' and can take care of herself
It's times like these, when your sister takes off to a different country for the summer that you realize how much you take her for granted
Because distance makes the heart grow fonder, right?
Well, clearly I already miss you and you've only been gone six days. Hopefully your heart is growing fonder for me as well while you're off loving life in Spain. Enjoy the food, the language, the people, the sites, and the overall culture. I am beyond jealous, but mostly excited for you. This is what you've always wanted to do girl, make the most of it. Love you tons. Don't forget to bring me back a present or three.
-Ever been to Europe?We are making plans for it, but haven't been yet...
-Are you a typical older sibling?
Never been to Europe but our goal when we got married was to have saved up to go in 10 years. Which is in about 6 years now I guess. Haven't saved much! Whoops! I guess we may have to extend our time frame because there isn't much saving happening when paying for and saving for school only. I am a typical younger sibling! And I am very clingy to my older sibling Meg. She is a great older sister and sometimes we have switched roles and she was the younger one. Have you ever switched roles?
sweet erica. she will do great. ah, sister love. nothing was more infuriating while we were growing up then having those two little sisters of mine rifling through my things and swiping my makeup. today they're my best friends and the first ones i call when something amazing or terrible happens. although, they still infuriate me on a regular basis...those crazies.
Already!?? Ohhhh come onnn don't make me cry please. You da best. That means a lot. I really do miss you too and I think of you often. I will save my real sappy lengthy response for a better suited time and place. Let's skype sometime. Love you big sister.
What an amazing opportunity. My time in Austria is something I hold dear to my heart. I am guessing she is on a study abroad. Ah-maz-ing. I don't think a lengthened stay in Europe Can be replicated by any number of visits or vacations there, it is just different.
How did I just find your blog? I'm glad that I did. You and your hubby are so cute together...{you are as gorgeous as ever} and it's fun to see what y'all are up to... and your family. Your sister is lucky to have you... sweet post. Hope y'all are doing well. :)
I wonder how typical my relationship with Hannah is.. I don't think I realized I'd miss her as much as I do. Talking via email once a week is NOT enough. One more year!
awww so precious.
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