Saturday, November 12, 2011

Puppy + Snow

Within about twenty minutes, the grass went from clear and visible to covered in inches of fresh snow!  {I love fresh snow, it's so pretty!}  And we decided to let our pup run around in it...  It made for a fun and entertaining morning.

She loves to run...  I'd give the air on that leap about 7 out of 10
Tina and her friend Hazel

What happens after playing in snow for thirty minutes...snow balls get stuck in her fur!
After a bath trying to stay warm wrapped in a towel AND blanket...


noelle said...

oh my gosh. you have like 50 gazillion more posts since i last checked. nice job. i love your puppy. the kids keep asking me if they can have a dog for christmas, but like i need somebody else to potty train around here. please.

Kristina said...

You should have called us!! Tucker LOVES the snow!! And he gets those snowballs too... We call them snow dingleberries hahaha!

ptr said...

Aww...precious little puppy!

Natalie E said...

Noelle - Haha do ittt! They're fun. I heard the larger the breed, the easier they are to potty train...guess you should look into golden retrievers and great danes :)
Kristina - I totally should have! Hilarious about the snow dingleberries... Seriously though, next time. It was fun!