Thursday, November 17, 2011


This past week has been busy, similar to the preceding weeks.  I'm not writing to complain--that's not what this blog is for.  Although I have not decided or known what this blog is for yet, I know it is not for negativity.  However, I feel content expressing my acknowledgement of hectic and busy days because it reminds me that it is normal to have 'those days' or weeks for that matter.  It is an inevitable and bittersweet part of life.

Thankfully, it is because of the negative, difficult, and busy times in my life that I can better appreciate and recognize the simple joys and blessings in each day.  I don't have to be traveling Europe on lying on an exotic beach to have a good day {although I wouldn't pass up the opportunity either}.

Today I am grateful for the education I am receiving, despite the difficulties that inevitably arise while striving to excel in it.  I told my sister-in-law the other week that when I start to get overwhelmed with school, I just think of her and how much busier than me she must be.  You see, she's in medical school.  I would be lying if I said I wouldn't love to be in medical school right along with her.  But nobody asked, and, clearly I am not.  Maybe one day...

If I've learned anything about busy and stressful times, it is that no matter how hard they seemed in the moment, I've always appreciated them later in life.  Not only have I appreciated them, but I felt indebted to those experiences.  Without them I wouldn't be as prepared for the next busy time in my life.  How else can I learn and experience personal growth?  I hope I can continue progressing and learning, to eventually reach my potential--whatever it may be.

Now back to writing my research paper...


Clark and Kelsie said...

I love how positive you are!!

Olimpia Escamilla said...

"...and my reward is with me to recompense every man according as his work shall be."
You are doing awesome Natalie!

Rachel said...

Holy cow I just figured out what your blog url was! Yay now I can catch up on your life!