The whole familia was together for a fabulous 24 hours before a few of them had to catch a flight home to Texas. As the kids grow up and go to college and get married and graduate and have kids and get 'real' jobs in separate only gets harder to meet up. The last time we were all together was November 2011, and before that was December 2010.
Meet the newest granddog of the family--Sammy, the german shepherd mix. What a good looking pup, I wonder how big you'll get.
And meet the girl in the jammies who gives me the title of 'aunt'. She embraced Easter in all of its egg and candy-eating glory.
My mom was excited for these mini Easter cupcakes
Behind that red rose {thank you Jacob&Ashley} is the white rose I got from graduation. The smaller bag of cadbury eggs is the bag I bought for myself a couple weeks ago to be sure I got some in case Z forgot to get them for me... The ginormous sized bag on the right is the one Z bought me lots of weeks ago to make up for forgetting to buy them last year... I shouldn't have doubted you babe.
The calorie-loaded french toast, mostly thanks to its syrup. I actually didn't have any, my stomach wasn't in the mood after my run that morning. My loss.
Remember this post where I told you fun facts about Zuriel, including how he has sewing skills? Well, we borrowed a sewing machine for a fews hours last weekend and Z took full advantage by patching up about seven pair of work pants.
And Monday morning, after the rest of my siblings and mom left, Tina curled into a ball and was out until the next morning.
I was looking for pictures of our egg toss we had in that 'dog park' area in our complex...can't find them. But let me tell you, it was hilarious. We also ate things besides sweets and eggs, I just forgot to take pictures for evidence.
-What's your favorite Easter tradition? Do you eat food besides sweets?
I'm not sure on the first question...maybe a tie between the egg toss and the egg-coloring. But this year I got eliminated in the first round of the egg toss, I forgot to take off my wedding ring before catching the egg.
And some family members try to get away with sugary foods only, but my stomach is too weak-sauce for that.
Really learned a lot from your informative blog. More power to you! Thanks:-)
those cupcakes look amazing. i want. this reminds me i need to call your mama...
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