The hubster took off at about 4a.m. on Wednesday for Reno, Nevada, to participate in a school event/construction competition for his major. Fortunately, he is expected to be home early Sunday morning {so the length of his trip could definitely be worse--I'm lucky it is only four nights!}.
I was browsing through old pictures of him as a cute little boy and thought I'd share a couple of funny ones...
He loves to be active and outdoors
He's a great and silly older brother
He has always wanted to own a big, loud, manly diesel truck. Conveniently, I love seeing him in a big, loud, manly diesel truck--it's sexy
He was a runner in high school, years before I ever developed the confidence to give distance running a shot. He is now my biggest fan. He has been a constant supporter and encourager from the beginning of my desire to run road races. I can't express how much I appreciate it--you're the best.
He's so cute! He moved a lot growing up--definitely a little traveler. I love traveling with him and am excited to travel more once he finishes school! I know we will move often with his job in the future and I'm excited!
He's such an easy going guy and loves any and everything we do for his birthday, no matter how small or simple. I should try recreating this hat for his birthday this year, ha
He loves the convenience of 'buzzing' his head...always had, and I'm sure he always will. Conveniently, I find him incredibly attractive either way.
Such a good little student. He has been working so hard in school, especially now that he is practically finished with his undergrad, I'm so proud!
He used to 'BMX' back in the day and loves fun toys like snowmobiles, four wheelers, wake boards, snowboards, guns, etc. He hopes to own some of those bigger toys himself once day..
Him and some buddies in high school. He gets along with practically everyone, I love it.
His adorable and incredible family--I love them so much!
He's the second of five and he loves his siblings so much.
Haha he is just so sweet and so dang cute! And we can't forget to recognize that awesome leather jacket he's sporting. What a cool dude.
I know nothing about sewing...Zuriel on the other hand, knows plenty. His grandma was a seamstress and lived with his family for some time, during which Zuriel quickly became her right hand man. She taught him a lot so he could help her with her projects. So cute.
Again, with some buddies from high school. Look what a handsome teenager he was!
Love his big, brown eyes. And check out that thick wavy hair, I wonder what our kids' hair will be like
He was, and definitely still is, a cute and silly boy.
Can't wait for Sunday morning babe!
1 comment:
Thank you Natalie. I'll admit it made me cry to read this. I miss you guys. Zuriel has been a very amazing older brother to me. I remember being nervous to start highschool and when he drove me to school, he would make the silliest faces just to make me smile. I also remember last year having to call him about a car problem and he was right there to listen to me. Love you, Zuriel, thanks for everything!
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